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Ctrl Alt Deal at PAX West

PAX West was an exciting time for us, both as a company and for Ctrl Alt Deal as it was the first time we received awards for our company, and our games. In total, we received three awards: PAX Rising Showcase, PAX Together, and PAX West 2024 Team Choice Award. While we shared these exciting announcements on our Discord and other social accounts, we’re going to take a moment to dive into what each of them are.

PAX Rising Showcase

Lets talk about PAX Rising Showcase first. While PAX Rising Showcase isn’t an award per se, it is a huge achievement for us. This is how PAX describes the Rising Showcase, *“The PAX Rising Showcase is an intensely curated collection of games selected by the PAX Team and highlighted on the show floor. If a game is part of the Rising Showcase, it’s because we believe the title stands out from the crowd in gameplay, entertainment, or inventiveness; regardless of which genres or platforms you favor.”*

This is a major accomplishment for our team considering PAX gets thousands of entries for the Rising Showcase, and only 12 were chosen. It reaffirms that we have something amazing here in Ctrl Alt Deal.

Recipients of the PAX Rising Showcase nod were given booth space in the Rising Showcase section on the con floor which allowed us to have a second booth, and have even more people play Ctrl Alt Deal at PAX.

PAX Together

While not as exclusive as the Rising Showcase, PAX Together is another award that we are extremely proud of. Who am I kidding, we’re extremely proud of ALL of the awards that we have received so far!

*“PAX Together Picks is a curated selection of games, events, and panels which are recognized by PAX for celebrating and centering marginalized groups and stigmatized topics. A PAX Together Pick uplifts those of underrepresented backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences within gaming.”*

Only By Midnight thrives due to the diversity on our team, from gender, neuro-diversity, nationality, and backgrounds. In addition to that, we are a women founded and lead studio. When developing our characters, our goal is to have a diverse cast, so everyone has a chance to see themselves represented in games. After all, games are for everyone!

PAX West 2024 Team Choice Award from Sidequesting.com

SideQuesting.com is a gaming enthusiast website. They publish news, reviews, and podcasts on various topics in the gaming industry.

Being singled out with 4 other games amidst the myriad of others at PAX warms our indie heart. Our goal with Ctrl Alt Deal has always been to create a memorable experience, and the recognition we receive from sources like SideQuesting.com reinforces that we are on the right track with where we are taking Ctrl Alt Deal.

Receiving these awards has been fuel for the fire of our drive to push Ctrl Alt Deal over the finish line in 2025.