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So. Why are we making a game about AI? When we started planning Ctrl Alt Deal, we didn’t expect the massive developments in artificial intelligence that we’ve seen over the last year. We were inspired by something much more prosaic than world-changing technological innovation: business conferences. Reboot Red, to be precise, one of our favourite cons.

We just wrapped up our first convention appearance for Ctrl Alt Deal! To paraphrase another intelligent AI in video game history, it was a triumph (huge success). The week started off with our attendance at the GDX convention, where we participated in panels hosted by luminaries including Trent Oster of Beamdog, Cristina Amaya of Latinx in

Have you ever wanted to battle mechanical space-spiders that are draining your spaceship of its power? Perhaps in your own hull skimmer with a variety of futuristic weapons and attacks? Maybe you'd rather see what it's like to be an advanced Artificial Intelligence—one that doesn't want to destroy all humans, but just wants to